Eric St. Pierre Eric St. Pierre

Published in The Word’s Faire.

Moving and shaking.

The first chapter of my (untitled) literary fiction novel has been published by The Word's Faire. I am honored and humbled by their recognition of my work. Later this year my novella, "The Kite Flyer at Chimera Island" will be available in print from Running Wild Press. Also this year, my short story, "The Night I Remembered How to Fly" will be published by Florida State University's literary magazine, the Southeastern Review. Check out the first chapter of my novel by clicking here. If you enjoy it, please send it to a reader.

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Eric St. Pierre Eric St. Pierre

An Introduction

Hi there.

Hello, I’m Eric St. Pierre. I’m a writer, a painter, and a musician. I like to wrestle my friends for fun. That’s me in the photo on the “about” page. I look pensive, but I was probably wondering where I could find some good gelato. Notice how I am looking away from the text. I didn’t do it on purpose but damned if it doesn’t work. (Hint: This should tell you something about my creative process.)

I have a book coming out in 2026. Holy smokes! Okay, it’s a novelette and will be in an anthology with other authors, but it is technically a book. That’s something! I was told I needed a web presence if I wanted my stories to impact as many people as possible. So, here it is, my web presence.

Like most people, and I assume you fall under the category of “most people”, I am not a megalomaniac. Therefore, I am experiencing a tinge of ick while writing this. You’re embarrassed for me. It’s okay. I’m mortified, too. We have something in common.

Ideally, I will update this website with stories that aren’t published elsewhere and links to stories that are published elsewhere. I would be thrilled if you, most people, would sign up for my newsletter. I swear I won’t inundate your inbox. I’ll only bug you when I have something to say that fits nicely packaged in the email format. Also, if you sign up, I will send you an 11,000-word psychological thriller story I wrote in 2021. You can only get it by signing up. That’s something!

The next paragraph contains the obligatory third-person biographical information that publishers go batcrap over.

Eric St. Pierre, a multifaceted New Orleans-based artist, weaves elements of story, color, and sound to create work that examines the play between the tangible and the transcendent.

Eric’s writing and visual art have found homes in publications such as Grim and Gilded, The Raffish, The Emerald Coast Review, Running Wild Press, and the columns of The Independent News Weekly. 

 Weaves elements…Are you sick of me yet? Next, I’ll be calling myself a “creative”.

Okay, that’s my introduction. I hope you like my stuff. Maybe one day we can meet and wrestle a little.


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